
My previous work experience:

I first began working in the service industry straight out of highschool. Working as a server, I did not enjoy it. When I was 18 years old, a friend recommended that I try child care. I did and absoloutely fell in love with working around children. It brightend my day and gave me something to look forward to. Who else can say they get paid to do arts & crafts most of their day? I went to community college and got accreditation in Early Childhood Development. I worked for a non-profit in Austin specilization in working with low income families and children with special needs. 4 years later, at 22, my school got the recognition that it deserved! Unfortunately with these accrediations, it meant the teachers required a certain level of schooling. They offered to send me to school to get my Bachelors; I declined due to wage negotiations. At this point, I returned to the service industry. When I moved to Seattle, I began working in Coffee. After all, it is the Coffee capitol? I love working in coffee, but at almost 30 years old- I am ready for a change! I am ready for something consistent, stable and rewarding! I am very excited for this new chapter in my life.

Flat Track Coffee 1.5 years Austin, TX
Pickle Factory Screen Printing 2 years Portland, OR
Fremont Coffee Co. 3 years Seattle, WA
Open Door Preschool 4 years Austin, TX